Thanks for letting a sister roll...

Keep it pimpin'

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I'm coining the term "ESPN curse"

Like the SI curse, but it effects fantasy football owners who switch from Yahoo to ESPN leagues. Case in point, me. So maybe it's not out of the realm of possibility that my crappy record is due to an off year or my spotty football knowledge rather than a curse, but it's a little fishy that after finishing at the top or at least being in the running down the stretch in all my yahoo leagues, I'm suddenly getting 50 pts a week in ESPN. How is it possible that my bench outscores my starters every week? On multiple weeks I've had players who've gotten 0 points more than once move to the bench and get 3-4x their season average. Or last night, when I was down 1 point with Chicago's WR. When the Bears finally score 24 pts, who gets the TDs? Defense, not my guy! Clearly you can see the cards are stacked against me.

Speaking of the Cards, Matt Leinart's face was priceless as he watched their unimaginable victory slip way to a massive meltdown-induced loss.

Finally, I've had people in the past tell me they're confident I would lay down my life for Jay-z if it came to that, that's how much I like him. But after last night's pimping of himself and his new unimpressive song throughout the entire MNF broadcast and commericals, I don't know anymore. It's one thing to "sell out" in terms of becoming a mogul and leading a higher class lifestyle, it's a whole other to be doing budweiser commercials with danica patrick.


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