Thanks for letting a sister roll...

Keep it pimpin'

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Usually I'm devastated by the end of summer. I start to get depressed as soon as August hits and it's dark before 9. Now that it's definitely September and fall weather's hit, I'm realizing I'm sort of looking forward to fall. Not sure why. It was a weird summer. I was in school all day every day in middle-of-nowhere MD...the weather was iffy...didn't get out as much as usual...didn't see my friends at all, let alone the summer people I always run into...While it went by fast, as always, I don't have that "I feel like it was just Memorial Day" or "I can't believe football's back already" feeling. Am I the only one thinking this?

It also may be because I think we've got a pretty good fall lined up (for the few moments a week I'm not at school or in class), despite losing some key members of the crew. Fortunately, we've got new blood blowing in from the Windy City in just a few days. Things have been hopping so far with birthdays and other events. I'm ready for some football. (I was trying to keep it a secret, but Sports Guy totally blew up my spot and spilled the beans on the 1st place Eagles being way underrated. How could anyone think those sorry Redskins are going to win the division?) The weather's nice and not suffocating. And hooray for fall tv. I probably won't pick up any of the new shows (I'm the only human with a tv set not dying to see 30 Rock), but things are looking good on the old standbys...Lost, Grey's, Gilmore Girls, various reality programming...And of course the Wire. Just watch it. Trust us. Even watch it at my place and enjoy free reign over any candy you can find.

Happy Autumn.


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