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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Fish updates

More news on the new additions. These are my first pets I'm solely responsible for, and as bf said "If you can't keep 2 fish alive, you're in trouble", so bear with me, they are my main concern right now. (Well that and taking the GRE tomorrow, which in my head I'm concerned about, but not enough to actually take much preparatory action.)

As Ryan and all the betta owners on the internet mentioned, fish can be picky, so I figured that was Tom's problem and yesterday I went back to Petco and waited 30 min to talk to the "fish expert" and get some advice on food types. When I told him I was feeding the food container instructions-recommended 6-8 pellets twice a day, he said that was all wrong, apparently they need 1 pellet once a day. Sounds crazy, right? Everything else says somewhere between 3 and what they can eat in 5 minutes, twice a day. But the guy told me my fish was going to be morbidly obese in about a day if I kept it up, so I was afraid to buy any alternate food to see if Tom was just picky. After he left though, the non-fish expert came up to me, and in his charming Eastern European accent said "Your fish, he does not eat? Maybe your fish, he is depressed. New home is hard. When I am sad, I don't eat. Try fish treats." So I got some freeze-dried something or other that scarily shouldn't come in contact with human skin, but Tom likes it and he ate his (smaller) pellet meal this morning. My attempt at exercising them by putting a mirror in front of the tank so they think they have something to fight was met with extreme disinterest. My fighting fish seem to be pacifists. However, they love facing the tv. I swear they recognize me when I come over, but I may just be getting ideas from spending too much time on the betta message boards.

Also, a note in regard to the weekend: Plan B? It's an awful, awful plan.


  • At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Only one pellet a day? I feed swimmy 6-8 of them twice a day and he gobbles them all down with no problem and hasn't grown at all. He is quite the active fish though.

    One another note: Plan B forever.

  • At 4:32 PM, Blogger Alexis said…

    Conclusion? Don't go to the ghetto Petco in Clarendon for fish advice

  • At 11:48 PM, Blogger TacoAddict said…

    no, no, no....i was given one in high school, it lived awhile with a heavier diet, but then stopped eating but his stomach bulged (we hypothesized b/c of stomach cancer). anyway, my mom got 2 while we were at college, and they lived for years despite the fact that we would go on week vacations and not feed them at all. I suggest 1-2 for not so active. GL on the GRE!


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