Thanks for letting a sister roll...

Keep it pimpin'

Monday, October 17, 2005

New Arrivals

Two new members were welcomed into the family this weekend: Alge Crumpler (left) and Tom (right). As you can see, they're not too photogenic yet, but they're surprisingly a lot of fun. It's just nice to have something to come home to, and even though they're just fish they seem to have little personalities. Alge is clearly more active than Tom, flitting around the tank all day. Don't tell him I said this, but he might be slightly less intelligent too...he waits all day for food and stares at me then the top of the water when it's time to eat. Except then he hides behind his plant and lunges to attack the food so aggressively that he misses it most of the time. Tom, on the other hand, doesn't eat his food at all. He chews it and spits it back out. I'm hoping he's not sick but rather just possesses discriminating palate. I'll be visiting the pet store later to find out. Tom likes to rest on the leaves of his plant when he's not making his bubble nest, which I'm told means he's happy and feeling amorous. I'm sure this is fascinating for all my readers; I'll continue to provide updates of their exciting adventures as they happen.


  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger Alexis said…

    I thought Alge Crumpler was the funniest name, and as soon as I heard it I said I'd name my first pet that. Then at the pet store bf thought we should get him a friend so he got to name Tom.

  • At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Swimmy the Fish, my latest pet addition, spit his food out for a couple of days before deciding to eat. Apparently that's just normal picky eating behavior. Also, those bubble nests are quite impressive.


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