Thanks for letting a sister roll...

Keep it pimpin'

Monday, October 24, 2005

Hoya meh

While I had a fun 3 days, homecoming just didn't live up to the hype this year. Maybe it was because I wasn't an out of towner, maybe it was the lack of out of towners from my year, maybe it was the complete organizational disaster that was tailgate, but let's just hope it's not because we were too old. One thing's for sure, the student body's not what it used to be. In my day, sure these events featured plenty of wasted people, but I'm pretty sure the majority of the crowd wasn't rude and ignorant, with people falling on their asses every 5.3 minutes and girls throwing punches. (Argh, that sounds suspiciously like a cranky old person.....)

The big question is, when we were wandering around Burleith with 7 hours to kill before our next event, why didn't we make our way cross town to Howard's homecoming? Luda says it can't be missed, and really when has he ever steered us wrong?

Our homecoming: Various happy hours, tours, and fundraiser. Highlights include a tailgate with no cars featuring waiting for ½ hour to gain entry and pay $15 to wait ½ plus and be assaulted every time you want beer or a hot dog, followed by an afternoon of tedious downtime then an evening of more line-waiting and shoving and begging for drink for those who braved the class party at Rhinos.

Howard's homecoming: Semi-formals, concerts, parades led by Method Man, parties hosted by Diddy, and rappers getting shot.


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